Monday, October 1, 2012

Exploration Stations

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a restful and relaxing weekend!

Today, we opened a new station in exploration time. I thought it would be nice to share about exploration time, which we have each day! Exploration is a time for students to explore our class library, practice a new skill, engage in dramatic play and much more. Today, I opened the two computers in our room for literacy games on the website This is a great website Mr. Grace introduced to us in our technology time two weeks ago. The website is filled with opportunities for many different types of practice with letters, typing, letter or number recognition, and memory drills. I encourage you to explore this site at home with your child, it has lots of great resources!

Another part of our exploration time includes art stations. Students have the opportunity to create stories, paintings, drawings, and clay figures during this time. We have many great young artists in this room who often take this time to work alone or in small groups creating something they have been "thinking" about or understand something they have been "wondering" about. We rotate stations at least twice during this block so that everyone has the opportunity to try something new.

Dramatic play is a really important part of our explore time and students do a beautiful job of leading this portion independently. "Horses" was a popular play this past week and many students will often orchestrate a re-telling of a story we have read in class during this time. Some of the productions have included "The Three Little Pigs" and "Red Riding Hood."  I look forward to seeing what they perform this week and hopefully capturing some of this on a flip camera so that I can share with all of you as well.

Have a great week!

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