Monday, April 8, 2013

Research and Reporting


This week we are beginning our research and report writing unit. The students and I had a rich discussion today where we talked about the difference between a fact and an opinion. Students then posed the fabulous question of 'why'. Students wondered aloud why we need to know how to be good reporters and researchers. We discussed the best form of expressing our thinking, we talked about how we would rather know than guess. I provided students with an example of an opinion that was researched and one that was simply 'because.' I asked students which one helped to jump-start their thinking, students unanimously chose the one that had more elaborate reasoning. This prompted a deeper discussion on the power of knowledge and what it means for us. Students came to the conclusion that the more they know the more they can do for the world, I could not have come to a better conclusion myself!

Students spent time perusing non-fiction books on four different animals and had to give a specific reason as to their first choice for their research paper and what they would study. One student said "I would like to research fish because I want to know about the different places in the world they live." Students chose from sharks, fish, Panda Bears and horses. Please ask students how their projects are coming or feel free to help them collect information from home. We will be exploring text, articles and digital means of research.

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